The SWMM5+ project began with the observation that the EPA SWMM hydraulic solver: (i) is the primary consumer of computational time, (ii) is the source of model instability/mass non-conservation, (iii) limits parallelization, and (iv) cannot support mass-conservative Advection-Diffusion-Reaction (ADR) transport modeling. The new SWMM5+ solver provides the foundations for addressing these issues with a mass-conservative hydraulic model that is coded for parallel efficiency. The SWMM5+ code acts as the top-level controlling program with the EPA SWMM code providing a library of functions for hydrology and input data parsing.
Ben R. Hodges, Sazzad Sharior, Edward Tiernan, Eric Jenkins, Gerardo Riaño-Briceño, Cesar Davila-Hernandez, Ehsan Madadi-Kandjani, Cheng-Wei Yu